Christ Episcopal Church
Greenville, NY
Christ Episcopal Church
Greenville, NY
We are committed to outreach ministries and have had several different ones over time. In 2020, a few women from Christ Church formed The Stone Soup Kitchen. They deliver prepared meals twice a month to homebound individuals, and also distribute them to clients of the Greenville Area Food Pantry on its give-away days. As a parish, we have been contributing financially to the Food Pantry for decades. As long as there is a need, we are in support of its important work. Recently, the Food Pantry installed a plaque to honor one of our dedicated parishioners who, during her life, worked tirelessly at the Pantry and throughout the Greenville Community.
Christ Church has been a member of The Greenville Area Interfaith Council (GAIC) since its inception. Representatives from our Church attend meetings in our Parish house. The GAIC sponsors the Food Pantry, works to foster interfaith conversation and understanding through an annual panel discussion and through certain interfaith gatherings. It also provides assistance to those in crisis in the Greenville area.
For many decades, parishioners have served on the Vestry, as part of the Altar Guild, as Lectors, and Acolytes. Many give of themselves by hosting a coffee hour. Members of the parish clean the Church and Parish House. All ministries are important and strengthen us as a community. In the midst of the pandemic, and without a priest, circumstances gave rise to some exciting changes. For example, one of our parishioners live streams Sunday service on our Facebook page.
Several Church members have taken up the work of our retired priest - visiting homebound people, and tending to the vast amount of clerical work.