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About Christ Church

Our Mission​​

We are a welcoming and inclusive community, putting God’s love into action for others. We are individuals, brought together to honor God through our ministries and our words. Our primary focus is to love God and each other, as we are called by Christ to do. We support each other in times of sorrow or trouble, and celebrate together in times of joy.  Our intention is to carry our knowledge and experience of God’s love into our daily lives and out into the world.

Our Church Community

Presently, we range in age from two years old to one hundred and one. We are alive and well in the small town of Greenville, New York!

Our worship style is traditional, in the sense that we follow the Episcopal liturgical calendar, use the Revised Common Lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer. We welcome all people. Living in the reality of the 21st century, we embrace our differences and find common ground through God’s love and our many worship opportunities. We have weekly Sunday Eucharist or Morning Prayer, and weekly Evening Prayer. We observe Holy Days, Lent, and Holy Week with additional services that are integral to our faith. We are a member of The Hudson Valley Deanery.

We have a lively Sunday School that meets during the church service from September through May. Young children and teens are taught in separate classrooms in our Parish House. Traditional Bible lessons are presented, and include fun age-appropriate crafts and activities. Discussion is encouraged, as is participation in various worship services and the Church’s seasonal activities, such as the “Greening of the Church” and the annual Christmas pageant. We also offer Confirmation preparation classes.

Many in our Church community dedicate their time, talent, or treasure to continue moving us forward. It is important to us to keep our historic Church building, organ, and Parish House in good repair, and we do so through the generosity and diligence of our parishioners.

We are an adaptive, resilient group of individuals who have banded together to keep our church community alive and thriving throughout the pandemic, and during the last two years without the benefit of a priest. We are aware of our common bond, and have a history of working to rise above our differences with respect and civility. 


Our Historic Church

Nestled in the northern most part of Greene County, New York, Christ Church was built in 1857. The original charter, however, dates back to 1825. It was built from locally quarried red sandstone and designed in the Gothic Revival Style. The Church has the original working bell tower. In keeping with tradition, we manually ring the bells on Sundays, before the service.  Several years ago, we created an accessible entrance, in accordance with the ADA. Christ Church is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

We are fortunate to have a beautiful pipe organ that was built in 1868 by renowned organ builder, Henry Erben. Originally built for the Masonic Lodge in Kingston, New York, the organ was transferred to Christ Church and installed in the early 1940s. Though some changes were made at the time of its installation, the organ is largely the original Erben Instrument, complete with stops, pedal coupler, and a manual pedal. It is indeed a treasure whose music adds to our worship experience.

Our Parish House, which is equipped with a kitchen, is a separate building adjacent to the Church. It is open to the community for use, with Church approval. Over time, the space has been used regularly by groups such as AA, Al-Anon, and the Girl Scouts. Remarkably, the very first AA meeting in the area was initiated in 1951 by Rev. Richard Clark, our priest for more than three decades.

Of course, we gather in the Parish House for Coffee Hour after service on Sunday. This is a fun time of fellowship! The Parish House also serves as a warm and welcoming space to gather for a post-wedding celebration, or for a shared pot luck meal after a funeral service. In this way, we provide support to those who are celebrating, and to those who are grieving.

The property surrounding Christ Church is a special place, often inspiring our Church members’ creative endeavors such as a memorial garden, a labyrinth for meditation, and a kitchen garden. Our annual Blessing of the Animals service is held on the south lawn and is open to the public. Our Church barbecue is held, yearly, on the lawn by a small stream. On occasion, we hold outdoor Sunday services. We are open to new ways to gather and worship, knowing that we are blessed to have an acre or more of lovely “green space.”

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